Holmestead Moraine of Wisteriadolls
Seal Lynx Mitted Ragdoll AKA Mermer
Hugaragdoll Jasper X Adorabledolls Delaney
Meet Moraine. Tony’s favorite cat. Moraine came from lines I desired for so long. She has beautiful eye colors and eye shape, my favorite wide ear base and ear set (a little bit big when she’s kitten, but will be perfect after developing to adult lady.), strong and nice chin, full muzzle, long and large body…I literally love everything about her! Her personality is typical representation of Ragdoll type.
Jan, thank you fo much for being so patient and helping me through everything. Also for your trust and this wonderful girl! It means more than I can say.
Genetic Testing Results:
Blood Type: A
HCM Ragdoll: Negative/Negative
HCM Maine coon: Negative/Negative
PK: Negative
PKD1: Negative
FeLV: Negative
FIV: Negative